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China keyless Biometric Fingerprint Portable Metal Handgun Safe factory
We are a professional safe and lock manufacturer in China.Our products range includes
home office safe,hotel safe,commercial safe,deposit safe,files safe,key cabinets,fireproof series,(hand)gun safes;Hotel lock,household lock,apartment lock with functions of rfid card,password,fingerprint and mechanical keys,ttlock App,Tuya App.All of our products are sold to more than twenty countries.
Products data information:
material:quality steel
external size:275*190*50mm
gift box size:276*194*80mm
carton size:410*280*300mm
gift box weight:2kgs
This microvault handgun Safe is a portable gun safe that protects your firearms from theft and keeps your guns safe. Featuring a unique, notebook-style handgun case design, this Gun Safe with carrying cable from it allows you to take your handgun or valuables with you anywhere you go. Incredibly compact and lightweight,this safe will fit inside a briefcase or day pack and can be quickly accessed with the Biometric technology. the Microvault Lightweight Pistol Case allows you to mount your safe or carry it with you in its protective soft foam interior. The heavy-gauge steel construction and high-strength locking mechanism keeps this Microvault handgun Safe Keypad secure no matter what.
BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGY for the Microvault Biometric Storage Portable handgun Safe:
Bio safes use biometrics, specifically fingerprint recognition, to access the safe contents. A high-performance algorithm is used to achieve speedy identification of enrolled fingerprints; and at the same time has a very low False Reject Rate (FRR) for a given False Accept Rate (FAR).
This self-learning algorithm of the the Bio adds new minutiae to the fingerprint templates each time a user touches the fingerprint sensor, updates slight changes that might occur over time to an enrolled fingerprint, as well as to help distinguish variations between the enrolled fingerprints. System can handle a maximum of one hunderd and twenty fingerprint templates.
Features of the Microvault Biometric hand Gun Safe:
1.Outside is constructed of heavy-gauge steel.
2.Soft foam on the inside to protect the handgun.
3.High-strength lock mechanism performs reliably time after time.
4.Precise fittings are virtually impossible to pry open with hand tools
5.Can be quickly accessed with Biometric technology
6.Conveniently located keypad is easy to use
7.Patent carrying cable can be set-in or removed at any time.
8.Compatible with the 4 ft. Security Cable.
9.Mounts almost anywhere.
10.Power source is with 4 AA battery.
This handgun Case with 2 Methods for Quick Entry: Smart biometric scanner with immediate access mode and manual keys.
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